Tuesday 8 November 2011

Biertijd.com // Media » Tablecloth Trick

oh my gosh its good:

Friday 10 June 2011

Come join in the fun

Come follow me in my daily Blog, it'll be soo way more cooler

Tuesday 5 April 2011

hot goss hot goss

So were moving into a new decade...
Much to tell, follow me here:


Wednesday 2 March 2011

Sorry I've been so bad at updates.

Will sort this all out soon

Friday 17 September 2010

Hold onto your hats, lots of updating to be done shortly.

But today we rest and contemplate because tomorrow we open a door and jump from a plane!


Thursday 19 August 2010

So....okay people, much is occurring, I just got back from an impromptu visit to Vancouver Island. Which im afraid to say is as close to paradise I have ever experienced...more to follow when Chelsey gives me the photos.

But for now, I am eating pasta (and my nails) and re-hydrating for the Half Moon Adventure Race this Saturday.

So at 12 noon Mountain Time and 7pm UK time spare a thought for Dan and I (a.k.a Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure Team) as we run, scramble, mountain bike, climb zip, line, kayak and sweat our way across a valley range in the Rockies, for 8 hours!!!!


Oh and as a side note, congratulations for my mate Mike back in Leeds UK for starting his own business, I wish you well (save me a piece of wall and I'll make it lovely)

Thursday 5 August 2010

Graham & Selina Selina go to Mongol Mongolia...

So...Okay so I always have a lot of time for people who are ready for an adventure...

There was a sailing god at my yacht club when i was a kid, Mr Graham Preistley, I think he won the world championships when he was 14 or something ridiculous like that. Anyways, he's all grown up now and he's a teacher, he has a super cool Missus called Selina Selina (also a teacher, we all wish she'd been ours).

Well get this, they just got married, and instead of going somewhere boring like Spain or the BVI's for their honeymoon....they ARE CURRENTLY doing this:


Thats right, there are adventures afoot! Basically a team buys a rubbish old car
they plan a route to Ulaanbaatar Mongolia, they get to Greystone Race Track,
someone waves a flag and then they're off!

How cool is that? Im very pleased about the whole thing, so please follow their progress guys:

Be excellent to one another!